Year 2 are learning about Sharing the Planet, and during library we are exploring this idea through selected works of Oliver Jeffers.
To kick the term off, I showed the girls a video of Oliver Jeffers explaining the origins of the book, namely an introduction to the world for his new baby son. Apart from an opportunity to listen to his delightful accent (!), the video provided a great stimulus for discussion. The girls brainstormed the most important things a newcomer (baby, alien etc) to our planet would need to know, and these ideas were recorded for future reference. Interestingly, many girls were preoccupied with the need for a newcomer to know where they lived, who their family was and how to make friends. This egocentricity is an age-appropriate response, and demonstrates a limited world view and need for security. However, others were more interested in demonstrating their own knowledge of facts and features of the planet itself. We pored over every page of this book. Jeffers managed to include an incredible amount of detail and factual information throughout without cluttering the pages. However, the lasting message of the book is a common thread through many of his books - the centrality of kindness. In future weeks, we will be exploring many of the pages in further detail, researching and sharing ways in which we can care for this planet and those who inhabit it.
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